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Rudraksha Effectiveness

One of the most common questions that I encounter regarding Rudraksha is 'Is it effective? ' or 'Does it work? ' sometimes customers come and say 'The Rudraksha you gave me working very well' and sometimes Rudraksha you gave is not working’, then I wonder how they know it is working or not?

In my opinion, Rudraksha is the most effective healing item available, far superior to expensive gemstones. 
But the question is, how does it work? What to expect from Rudraksha when used for a specific reason. 
The first thing to note is that it does not do any miracles in order to address an issue. Figure 7-face Rudraksha is for financial prosperity, so don't expect money to start pouring in from all directions if you wear a 7-face Rudraksha. Its vibrations will just make you more open to recognizing money-making opportunities.

It will show you what you can do in a circumstance to generate decent and legal money; its vibrations simply cause a shift in your energy patterns. People who have faith and are open to change achieve results faster than those who are tormented by doubts.

Rudraksha with different faces have different vibrations, seers, and rishis who meditated in jungles for years and were extremely receptive and aware of the vibration and energy pattern changes, documented the effect of each face Rudraksha in an ancient text in Shiva Purana.

My personal Rudraksha effect experience when wearing 4 face Rudraksha is really fulfilling. For improved communication, I wear a four-faced Rudraksha. Despite having considerable knowledge of the issue under discussion, I was unable to explain myself effectively. I felt I was able to express myself adequately after wearing the four-faced Rudraksha; my ideas were appropriately arranged to accomplish the intended effect. As a result, Rudraksha is particularly helpful in mending and enhancing various traits of the user, resulting in the desired effects.

I will publish all face Rudraksha properties in the future so you may choose which face Rudraksha to wear.

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